May, 2015 | Hoboken Med Spa May, 2015 | Hoboken Med Spa
Radiesse Plus IPL

Radiesse Plus IPL

Back of the hands giving away your age? Dr Khan uses fillers like Radiesse and your own fat PLUS IPL to rejuvenate your hands. Let you hands match your beautiful face!


Got spots? Try Tri-Luma- by prescription only. Once daily application to those stubborn spots and kiss those spots good-bye!
Sunken and tired eyes

Sunken and tired eyes

Sunken and tired eyes? Dr Khan can place tiny amounts of filler like Restylane and Belotero in those sullen areas with a very gentle technique. He utilizes a cannula to reduce bruising and swelling by 80%! Take years off in just minutes!
Remove That Mole

Remove That Mole

Have a nasty mole you want to get rid of? Ask Dr Khan about it. If it does not look suspicious, he utilizes a wonderful technique to gently numb the area and remove it. Sometimes no stitches required! Leave that “beauty mark” behind!
Elongated Ear Piercing

Elongated Ear Piercing

Have a torn or elongated ear piercing? Fix it today- Dr Khan uses a very gentle and precise technique of numbing the earlobe and then closing the gap with tiny stitches. They come out in a week and then you get a re-piercing in a few weeks…incredible!